Sunday, January 22, 2012

How to Password Hacker Breaking into Facebook

How to Password Hacker Breaking into Facebook
Please Beware and I post to my friend all the more wary.

Latest info I get from the surf at various forums Hacker, Websense Security Labs have identified a new malicious Facebook application that brings Art Engineering Hacking into a whole new level.

Where the method used is able to penetrate up to such stringent Security, How that by using theApplication (app).

Most of Facebook users are not aware of and follow with Any Application offering variousfriends.

Some dangerous Thief Account Application has begun to circulate, this social engineering trick users through the process of building its own new applications.

It begins with a notice of the application that you receive from friends who are already infected.

Here are some names that are found Websense app Application:

Block Who am I?
Who's on your mind?
Who is Always See My Profile?
Who's been checking your profile?
Who is Always Appear Offline?
Who peeping your profile?
Who is Always See My Album?
Who loves you?
Anyone who has read my profile?
Who would often check my albums?
Who is always block me?
Who is reading your information?
Who loves you?

It's obviously All applications will request Email and Password your Facebook account, and if you follow one of these applications then the "BAAAMMMMM" your Facebook account already in hand They are "Hacker" or your FB account already Taxable?

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